Monday, February 11, 2013

"those" friends

You know those friends. The friends that pay more attention than you think. The friends that probably care more than you know. They tend to be the most overlooked at times, and yet make me the most grateful.

Today's just been an off day. A good amount of people I know are having a really crappy Monday. That's not necessarily the case for me. Nothing has gone dreadfully wrong. I haven't received any horrible news (knock on wood since there's still another 7+ hours left in the day!). And yet it's just off. I'm not feeling happy, I'm not necessarily feeling sad. I guess emotionless would be a better word. Going through my day, getting my work done, and waiting until 5:00 to be free to run a few errands and watch some Downton Abbey on DVR.

Apparently this emotionless state has meant a quieter me today. I love my coworkers-seriously I do. They are all pretty happy, energetic, and absolutely hilarious. We actually see each other outside the office on purpose and the quips back and forth between offices is a mainstay where I work. Honestly I didn't even realize I wasn't participating in any conversation today. And it wasn't because I was so overwhelmed with work I had to focus. Granted I did have things to do and got a good amount done today, but I still had time to do some facebook stalking and tumblr reading here and there.

Then, at 3:53pm today I got this email: "Hey Homie! You ok? You've been awfully quiet today."
(yup-we call each other 'homie'. Like I said-LOVE my coworkers)

That's when it dawned on me. This person didn't have to check on me at all. Yet I have no doubt if I said "well actually I got some bad news" that the immediate response would be "do you want to talk about it?" or "what can i do?" It made me wonder when the last time I've reached out to someone like that was. When someone looked at me and was grateful for any extra support I gave that wasn't expected. I like to think of myself as dependable-but why should people have to ask for the help first? New ambition is to be more like my coworker (except for her love of 4+ inch heels-I'd break an ankle in those things in no time!!!)


  1. You are a GREAT friend!! :) Proud to call you one of my best friends!!

  2. Awww! Thanks A!!!!! You're amazing as well!!!!
